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Fun Stuff

Back when I was designing, coding, and building web sites I created these just for fun and to learn more about coding and programming using PHP.

The first was a simple program to select a random tarot card and give a description of said card in either its upright or “reversed” (upside-down) position. Since I did not wish to write my own descriptions (even thought I spent a couple of years learning to read tarot cards, the various layouts that are used, and owned several different sets of cards), I used a very poorly written and researched book called “The Sexual Key to the Tarot,” published in 1971. There’s more about that on the linked page.

The Sexual Key to the Tarot

Next I wrote a more complex script that allowed me to do a full Celtic Cross reading, which is by far the most popular tarot reading, still based on the same crappy book.

The Sexual Celtic Cross

Finally, there was an 1949 US Army field manual on the use of the AN/TNP-1 Electronic Organ, commonly known to the rest of the world as the Hammond Organ. The AN/TNP-1 has more in common with the Hammond C-2 or C-3 organ than the B-3, which is the one used in rock, blues, soul, R&B, jazz, and other great music.

The goal here was to reproduce the look, fonts, colors, and layout of the original manual using only HTML and CSS. Selecting “View Source” in your web browser, if you have access to it, will reveal very clean, easy to read HTML coding.

Organist’s Manual for Electronic Organ

Eventually, drag and drop web site building platforms, and the ever-changing world of coding made me give up doing web design for others. Now I only work on my own web sites, and am a devotee of WordPress.

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