5. What is Above You


Knight of Wands

A dark young man, attractive to women; the young man who "hits and runs" but never "kisses and tells"; also, hurried copulation, quick orgasm, speedy erection; sudden flight from one bed to another; departure from socially acceptable sexuality; change in sex partners; temporary coital abstinence; also, change of residence or sexual tastes.

  • 4. What is Behind You


    Two of Cups

    Copulation; passion; love; sexual union; concordant orgasms; vaginal penetration; anal intercourse; mutual masturbation; tribadism; interrelation of the sexes; mutual oral – genital practice; freedom in sex; sexual togetherness; like sexual sympathies; lasting sexual friendship.

  • 1. The Heart of the Matter


    Five of Pentacles (Inverted)

    Sexual intercourse interrupted; impotence; frigidity; the desired mate is lesbian or homosexual; sexual chaos; a hernia; rupture; order threatened by an unhappy extramarital sex partner; incompatible organs of sex.

  • 6. What is Ahead of You


    Knight of Swords

    A forceful man; a cold and efficient man whose depth of emotion manifests itself only in the sexual embrace; a man who conquers the sexual objects of his choice; also, sexual skill; bravery in the face of opposition; great orgasmic capacity; passion; sexual determination; fearless commission; dedicated libertinism.

  • 2. What Crosses You


    Eight of Wands

    Arrows of love; activity in sexual undertakings; the path of sexual activity; also, copulative motion; changed sexual taste or sex makes changed; hurried orgasms; swift collation; great hope of phallic conquest; speed towards orgasmic climax; moving penis; vibrant clitoris; also, sexual decisions made hurriedly.

  • 3. What is Beneath You


    Three of Wands (Inverted)

    Spilled semen; wasted orgasms; unfulfilled climaxes; masturbation; rejection by desired phalli; sexual outcast; in time of great sexual need, one will try to lure you to perversion.