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St. Catherine’s Cemetery, Farming, Minnesota

Located in Farming, Minnesota in the midst of Stearns County, St. Catherine’s is a small cemetery currently with 424 graves, which is about half the living population of the town. The oldest grave there is from 1875.

The cemetery is located right next to the Farming Flames baseball field.

I always look up the name Lauer when I go crawling just in case I might run into someone I’m related to. I found several Lauers in St. Cate’s, but upon doing later research I found that none of them were related to me. That’s pretty typical, really. I know where most of my deceased family members are buried, and they’re mostly all local.

The stone for Helena Hellmann caught my eye because it looked so new, and I’d never seen a stone with that colorful inlay before. Of course, like the tree shaped markers from Woodmen of the World, once you see one, you start to see them all over the place. I’m going to have to do some research into those and see where they came from.

Published inBlogCemeteries

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