During the decade include between 1860 and 1870, the wealth of the United States has increased from $16,159,616,068 to $30,068,488,507. The wealth of Minnesota during…
Musician, coffee roaster, cemetery and history enthusiast.
During the decade include between 1860 and 1870, the wealth of the United States has increased from $16,159,616,068 to $30,068,488,507. The wealth of Minnesota during…
UNDER THE SNOW.BY WILLIAM C. RICHARDS Beautiful violets, under the snow—Why are ye sleeping so long and so low! Fleecy and white has your coverlet…
Editor’s note: It is a well known fact that slavery was supported by the Democratic Party, and was opposed by the Republicans. The Party of…
————————THE BOY NUISANCE.————————One That Should Be and Must Be Abated.————————A CARD FROM THE MINISTRIES OF ST. CLOUD. EDITOR JOURNAL.—During this winter we have had several…
—The weather continues warm, and the snow is readily disappearing. The bridges are bare, and the sleighing is poor everywhere. —Saturday afternoon a large proportion…
(Be forewarned, the first item is quite nasty. -ed.) NO MORE INDIANS Gen. Custer was interviewed by the editor of a Toledo paper recently, and…
NEW LIQUOR STOREWe are just receiving and will offer for sale at our new Store-room, in the basement of Tenvoorde’s Warehouse, on St. Germaine street,…
STATE NEWS — A man stopping at the Washington House was robbed last Monday night of $160 in greenbacks. — St. Peter Advertiser (That’s almost…
Pitiful Condition — The St. Paul Press of Thursday says that a woman from forty to fifty years of age, quite plainly clad, and afflicted…
ST. PAUL & PACIFIC RAILROAD.Winter Time Table 1875-1876ST. PAUL AND ST. CLOUD.—GOING NORTH.Leave St. Paul 7:40 A.M.Arrive at St. Cloud 1:00 P.M.Leave St. Cloud 1:25…