Appendix IV

Suggested drawbar combinations

Drawbar combinations (see par. 18) and tone qualities are listed below. When more that one drawbar combination is listed for the same tone quality, differentiation is made when possible by giving in parentheses the length of organ pipes used to produce the tone on a conventional pipe organ.

Tone Quality Drawbar setting
Bassoon, orchestral (16 ft.) 07 7120 000
Bourdon (16 ft.) and flute (4 ft.) 62 0504 020
Bourdon (16 ft.) and dolce mixture 50 2001 110
Bugle 00 5885 410
Clarinet, bass (16 ft.) 66 3020 000
Clarinet, orchestral 00 5130 200
Clarion (4 ft.) 00 0405 065
Clarion, harmonic (4 ft.) 00 0608 076
Cornet 00 6873 100
Diapason, bell 00 5745 100
Diapason, chorus 00 7854 321
Diapason, chorus 00 6743 221
Diapason, chorus, full (16 ft.) 42 8865 421
Diapason, chorus, soft (16 ft.) 22 7855 320
Diapason, dulciana 00 3220 000
Diapason, grand 01 8855 310
Diapason, open, cathedral-type 00 7755 210
Diapason, open, choir organ-type 00 5522 100
Diapason, open, enriched-type 00 5641 100
Diapason, open, fundamental-type 00 6633 200
Diapason, soft (8 and 4 ft.) 00 6503 020
Diapason, violin 00 6565 321
Diapason, violin, choir organ-type 00 5644 221
Diapason and flute 00 8632 110
Diapason (8 ft.) and flute (4 ft.) 00 3523 011
Diapason and mixtures 42 8866 666
Diapason and strings 00 5632 210
Euphonium 64 7310 000
Flute, chimney 00 5230 100
Flute, chimney (4 ft.) 00 0502 030
Flute, claribel 00 6210 000
Flute, cor d'nuit 00 3120 000
Flute, dolce 00 4210 000
Flute, d'amour 00 4120 000
Flute, grosse 00 8321 000
Flute, harmonic 00 5721 000
Flute, harmonic (4 ft.) 00 0507 021
Flute, melodia 00 5310 000
Flute, mirabilis 00 8732 000
Flute, orchestral 00 3811 000
Flute, orchestral (4 ft.) 00 0308 011
Flute, piccolo (2 ft.) 00 0006 004
Flute, principal 00 7540 000
Flute, spitz 00 5442 100
Flute, stentorphone 00 8820 000
Flute, stopped 00 5020 000
Flute, traverso 00 4610 000
Flute, traverso (4 ft.) 00 0406 010
Flute, unda maris 00 2201 000
Flute, wald 00 5240 000
Flute, wald (4 ft.) 00 0502 040
Flute (8 ft.) and piccolo (2 ft.) 00 6024 004
Flutes (8 and 4 ft.) 00 5705 000
Flutes (8 and 4 ft.) 00 6524 000
Flutes, (8, 4 and 2 ft.) 00 7616 113
Flutes, (16, 8, and 4 ft.) 62 6822 020
Flutes, soft (8 and 4 ft.) 00 3512 000
Flutes, soft (8 and 4 ft.) 00 4312 101
Flutes, soft (8 and 4 ft.) 00 4321 000
Heckelphone 00 4554 320
Horn, baritone 46 6420 000
Horn, English, orchestra-type 00 1581 430
Horn, English, organ-type 00 2574 420
Horn, flugel 00 4666 410
Horn, French, full 00 7522 000
Horn, French, muted 00 6311 110
Horn, organ, or cornopean 00 5666 530
Horn, organ-type, soft 00 3664 310
Kinura (Japanese reed) 00 0172 786
Musette 00 1260 110
Oboe, d'amour 00 2350 210
Oboe, orchestral 00 1275 320
Oboe and flute (8 ft.) 00 4555 430
Oboe and flute (8 ft.) 00 5343 210
Oboe and flute (4 ft.) 00 0464 220
Sarrusophone 00 2380 330
Strings, aeoline 00 2221 110
Strings, cello 00 3564 320
Strings, ethereal violin 00 1242 321
Strings, gamba celeste 00 3584 321
Strings, gemshorn 00 4532 200
Strings, grand violin 00 2786 653
Strings, muted viol 00 1454 542
Strings, orchestral 00 1786 642
Strings, orchestral 00 1687 653
Strings, orchestral 00 1786 642
Strings, orchestral (4 ft.) 00 0343 333
Strings, salicional 00 3543 321
Strings, soft 00 1233 333
Strings, soft (8 and 4 ft.) 00 1438 366
Strings, viola 00 2474 341
Strings, violin 00 1575 432
Strings, violin, soft 00 1464 321
Strings, vox aetheria 00 1111 010
Trombone (8 ft.) 01 8777 640
Trombone (16 ft.) 76 6641 000
Trombone, organ 01 6554 430
Trombone, orchestral 00 6788 740
Trombone, round, great organ-type 00 5674 200
Tuba, bass (16 ft.) 66 6321 000
Tuba, double (16 ft.) 57 6421 000
Tuba, major 01 7774 420
Tuba, minor 00 6663 320
Tuba, mirabilis 00 8876 540