The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 locked us all in our homes. I am writing these words in September, and we have been hunkered down since March. And there’s no end in sight. It’s pretty depressing.
As I watched gig after gig disappear from my calendar, I knew I would have to do something musical in order to maintain some level of sanity. So I dropped some money on a new computer, a copy of Logic Pro, and a digital I/O system & microphone.
I had no idea what music I wanted to do, and I have let the songs find me. Anything that resonated with my feelings was fair game.
This is my first release. It is a cover of a cover. It is based on Glen Campbell’s version of Jackson Browne’s song “These Days.” Browne wrote it when he was just 16 years old, and the story goes that he wrote it upon the death of a friend. Like all good art it transcends the subject for which it was originally created.
The lyrics really spoke to me as I thought about the loss of closeness, of lifestyle, of habits and traditions…
As one might expect on a solo project, most of the instruments are “fake.” They are generated using MuseScore, and Logic Pro’s internal instruments and samples. But this being the 21st century, I was able to get the remote assistance of my nephew, Mike, and my good friends Erin Vork, and Dr. Terry Vermillion.
- Muggsy Lauer – acoustic guitar, bass, vocals
- Mike Lauer – acoustic guitar
- Erin Vork – horn
- Midi Fyle – acoustic guitar, cymbal, shaker, organ, strings
- Dr. TV – drums
- Mixed & Mastered by Mike Lauer
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